Maritime influencers



Semiramis Paliou: 2023 is going to be a very challenging and demanding year

Semiramis Paliou, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Diana Shipping Inc. & Chairperson,  Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association – HELMEPA

2023 is going to be a very challenging and demanding year for the maritime industry, as shipping will have to continue and even intensify its efforts to rapidly decarbonize, enhance the energy efficiency of the global fleet, speed up the digital transition of operations, and all that, while operating safely and with respect to the environment in a highly unstable geopolitical environment

From 1st January 2023, it will be mandatory for all ships to calculate their attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) to measure their energy efficiency and to initiate the collection of data for the reporting of their annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and rating. In the same context, we must start preparing for regional measures such as the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) regime, and the upcoming designation of the Mediterranean Sea as an ECA area, with stricter SOx emissions limitations. 

In parallel, we will be increasingly seeing the implementation of more digital applications in our vessels and offices, taking advantage of the latest technology, such as AI, Big Data Analytics and Remote Diagnostics, which will allow us to enhance safety, efficiency, and control on board vessels. 

A promising aspect is the enhanced commitment of the industry to ESG principals and sustainability, with an increasing number of shipping companies including ESG reporting in their operations.

Another very crucial challenge for the long-term future of the industry has to do with our human element. Besides finding ways to attract specialized and well-trained personnel to address the deficit in merchant marine officers, we will have to constantly upgrade our training procedures, to reskill and upskill between 450 and 800 thousand existing seafarers by mid-2030. Finally, as we are experiencing a transitional phase as an industry, it is of high importance to be able to make the right choices and approaches for the future of our companies, having available limited information and dealing with many variables, with low certainty parameters. 

HELMEPA intends to continue assisting its members, shipping companies and seafarers, address some of these challenges, acting as a dynamic and interactive platform, offering multi-topic training seminars and relevant information, and sharing experience and best practices between our members. 


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