Maritime influencers



Danae Bezantakou: Shipping is about tradition, trust, cooperation and human relations

Danae Bezantakou, CEO Navigator Shipping Consultants Ltd, Concept founder of YES Forum

Maritime Industry is always a field full of challenges that could be turned into opportunities. 2023 shall not be an exception. According to recent reports and predictions, Human Element, Technology, Sustainability, ESG and Maritime Logistics will continue to beissues that will dramatically concern us probably for decades… Obviously, those were already the main issues discussed by both Ship owning/management Companies and Shipping services Companies in NAVIGATOR FORUM since 2018.

We are blessed to live in the Capital of the World of Shipping and we should all work for its further development and recognition. The majority of young people is now informed about the opportunities offered by our sector and the Companies are more open to embrace them and to give them work opportunities

Personally, dedicated to the Maritime Industry for more than 20 years, this is undeniable that we have overcome many turbulences. However, the “secret” of the Greek Shipping Miracle is “tradition, trust, cooperation and human relations”. We a continuity and transmit those values to the young generation that will be called to run the first shipping power globally. 

YES FORUM, the open dialogue platform among young generation and shipping Executives, was established back in 2013, when our country was in the middle of the economic crisis. These past years more than 400 volunteers have participated in YES FORUM team and events, and the majority of them are now already executives in shipping companies representing the whole spectrum of maritime cluster. Ten years later everything is different. 

Following our participation in career days and presentations in schools and universities we are happy to realize that the perceptions of the young generation about shipping have changed. The majority is now informed about the opportunities offered by our sector and the Companies are more open to embrace them and to give them work opportunities.

Concluding and wishing all of you a happy and prosperous 2023, I would like to underline that we are blessed to live in the Capital of the World of Shipping and we should all work for its further development and recognition. Moreover, although we are listening to the winds of change, we should not forget that technology will remain the tool and human element is the brain. The one cannot and should not replace the other! Let’s all be loyal and dedicated to our values and to the Greek Shipping Miracle.


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